Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Week 1

    • Intro to Reset, Rebalance & Re-imagine Program

    • Why you want to become extremely curious about yourself!

    • Was there anything going on in your life before your symptoms showed up?

    • Why being curious about your emotions is a big deal!

    • Introduction to and the why behind the stress & metabolic resets

    • The Stress Reset Explained

    • How to adjust your daily routine to work for you!

    • Breath work examples

    • Symptoms Timeline Assessment

    • Weekly Insight

    • Monthly Insight

    • The Stress Reset

  2. 2
    • Week 2

    • Journaling on connecting your emotions and behaviors

    • Sitting down to eat protocol

    • Connect with how you feel during a meal

    • Hunger, Full & Satisfied - How to notice them...

    • The Hungry or Full Scale

    • Assessing your eating patterns and emotions

    • Hungry or not flowchart

    • 5 Day Brain + Body Reconnection Exercise

  3. 3
    • Week 3

    • The Metabolic Reset Blueprint

    • Is your liver overloaded?

    • Seed Oils

    • Acceleradine + Upgraded Metabolism Minerals for the reset.

    • The Metabolic Reset Explained & How to Use it to Learn About Yourself

    • Week 13 Video to see the sprouts and products we talk about

  4. 4
    • Who do you need to become to transform your health?

    • Breathing to reduce cortisol anytime & after workouts

    • Moose Ears for lowering heart rate and anxiety

    • Morning Routine

    • Wind Down Routine

    • insomnia visualization of everyting working out

    • Stress Triggers

    • Impact of Stress on the Body

    • Why Stress Often Causes Belly Fat

    • Overlooked Causes of Fatigue

    • Is Your Environment Fatiguing You?

  5. 5
    • Cortisol

    • Sleep

    • Digestion

    • Gut Microbiome

    • Hormones

    • What does estrogen do?

  6. 6
    • Mitochondria

    • The Vagus Nerve

  7. 7
    • Building Meals for Your Metabolism

    • How to Substitute Certain Foods

    • Herbs

    • Essential Oils

  8. 8
    • Coherence

    • Week 1 Motivation

    • Week 2 Motivation

    • Week 3 Motivation

    • Week 4 Motivation

    • Week 5 Motivation

    • Week 6 Motivation

    • Week 7 Motivation

  9. 9
    • Introduction from Dr. Jannine Krause

    • Don't have a Lumen yet?

    • Lumen Cheat Sheet

    • What is Lumen measuring in your body?

    • Why it's important to measure often

    • Morning Lumen scores and what they mean

    • The 5 Lumen scores and what they mean

    • How to use Lumen scores to determine best workouts

    • Testing before and after meals

    • Metabolic Flexibility - The ultimate goal for your metabolism

    • How adipose (fatty tissue) can drive inflammation in your body

    • Metabolic Boost Days

    • Trust yourself with food again

    • Stiff achy joints

    • Add testing to dial in your formula

  10. 10
    • Zoom call 1

    • Zoom Call Essential Oils

    • 2-23-23 Call

    • 3-2-23 Call with "Who do you want to become?" Week 1 Presentation

    • Prep for Week 2 Call - Read This!!

    • Week 2 - What would you rather believe?

    • Week 2 call

    • Week 3 - Read at least 2 days before the Thursday call

    • Week 4 - Foods that can interfere with your Lumen scores

    • Week 4 Lectins & Phytic Acid Cheat Sheet

    • Week 4 - Foods that mess with your Lumen scores

    • Week 5 - Exercise and The Lumen

    • Week 5 - Day 1 Conditioning Workout Example

    • Week 5 - Day 2 Conditioning Workout Example

    • Week 5 - Day 3 Conditioning Workout Example

    • Week 5 - Day 4 would be a repeat of Day 1 - here's another example of options

    • Week 5 - Day 5 Conditioning Workout Example

    • Week 6 - Gut Health and Metabolism

    • Week 7 - Hormones and more Lumen Ah Ha's I've seen

    • Week 7 Part 2 - How you feel has an impact on your Lumen scores!

    • Week 8 Metabolism and the Breath

    • Week 9 Breath work explained and a demo

    • Week 10 Metabolic Reset, Minerals and Cell Hydration

    • Tuesday Call - Anxiety tips and tricks

    • Links and resources from the "Anxiety Tips Video"

    • Week 11 Call - My story and my take on stress impacting metabolism and health

    • Week 13 Call - Sprouts, Toothpaste, Parasite Cleanses, Sunscreen, Working out on the Metabolic Resest

    • Tuesday Call - Estrogen Concerns with Age

    • Week 14 Call - Reconnect to Your Why, Get Curious About Yourself & Check Out the Full + Hunger Scale

    • Week 15 Call - How to feel your own energy to relieve pain & tension in the body

    • Week 16 - A quick guided meditation & You are what you think!

    • Week 17 Video

    • Week 18 - Vitamin D, Bee Pollen and Diaphragm Release

    • Week 19 - 3 Overlooked Aspects of Hormone Balance Masterclass Link

    • Week 20 - Bonus - Podcast with Dr. Forrest Sauer on Habits

    • Week 21 - The timeline tool and foundations of habit formation

    • Timeline symptom sleuthing tool

    • Weekly Insights

    • Monthly Insights

    • Circulation boosting devices - Smart Cuffs and Game Ready Devices

    • Herbal energy bites, baths and essential oils

    • Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - points, foods, herbs you can use at home

    • The connection between the liver and varicose veins ...and the herb Dong Quai

    • How you can use peptides to uplevel your health

    • Everything you wanted to know about castor oil, preventing neck pain & neck "humps"

    • Castor oil - how to use it and Dr J's insider scoop, weighted vests and conditioning exercise

    • Mindset around aging, happy lights and vitamin D